Leadership isn't only for folx with titles or positions. We are all leaders and we are all leadership ancestors. You are likely a leader to someone even if you don't know it.

Leadership isn't just what we do, it's how we do it and who we are. It's about what culture we bring forward and the legacy we leave behind.

Sign up and get a free copy of ASK. A simple guide on:

1. How you're showing up in your leadership

2. What culture you're bringing forward

3. How to leave a better leadership ancestry

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The Curious Rebel

A newsletter for leaders - and humans* - who want to do better and be better in a world where we are often pushed to exhaustion.

Sign up for community sourced tools, insights and questions on leadership, power, culture and systems. I share from my own life, communities, and the hundreds of leaders I work with yearly (always cited, never stolen).

Get your free copy of How to Not Be an Asshole: the ASK method

*are leaders humans? And also, feel free to read to your pets too.

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